Saturday, September 06, 2008

Insomnia: redux.

It is 5:50 am. Patrick left for a week of fishing in Canada with his father an hour ago. I am alone, AGAIN, for a week with 3 kids. Good times...

I woke at 2 am in Justin's bed, disoriented. Stumbling into my room, I noticed only Evan asleep on our queen bed, sprawled over as much square footage as possible. I reversed and peeked into Corinne's room to find her daddy asleep on the floor beside her big girl bed. Awwww.... briefly considered rousing him to join me on a MATTRESS but knew that would end up waking The Princess and that? That is not a chance I am willing to take at 2 am.

Climbed into bed and began to drift only to hear footsteps. Lo and behold, it's Justin, eyes wide and pupils dilated, begging me to come into his room and "build a tree." (I'm thinking Legos?? Blocks??) Ummm...ok. You're sleep-walking, buddy. Got us both back in our beds only to hear him heading downstairs a moment later. Again, eyes wide and resembling a deer facing a Mack truck going 60 mph. He mumbled something about a bad dream involving "wheels that were too big!" and I just pulled him into bed beside me. Sigh.

So, I was, yet again, sandwiched between 2 sweaty little boys. Not that I don't treasure it, mind you! Just that I knew I was in for a long night.

Sure enough, after tossing, turning and having a weird dream involving a sumo-wrestler, I awoke AGAIN as Patrick shuffled into our room, looking for somewhere a bit softer than the floor. We all shifted over and I was really, REALLY squished, now.

Hence That 70's Show. A mini-marathon at 3 am!! Did you know?!? What a fun way to kill several hours before the sun comes up.

I never had sleep issues before children. Now I am constantly on "bad dream/potty break/is that a psychopath breaking into our house/damnit, I had 3 kids and need to pee" alert. Someone recently suggested that I talk to a sleep therapist. To that someone, I say: I appreciate the concern, but heaven help me if I DO begin to sleep through the night because my husband sleeps like the dead and we could all perish in a fire/tornado/psychopath breaking into the house while we sleep.

Ah. I hear Justin coughing. He'll be awake soon and I? I am about ready to fall back asleep. Perfect timing.


Kelli @ writing the waves said...

Sounds just like our night time routine. :P

I don't think I have slept through the entire night since my 2nd trimester when I was pregnant with Abby...over 4 years ago, with the exception of the TWO times my mom has kept the kids overnight.

After your hubby gets back from his week of full nights of sleep, you, my friend, need to take a turn. A friend of mine checked into a hotel one weekend, by herself, and just slept.

So funny you posted about this because I've been meaning to write something about this for awhile...I've just been too tired to do it.

Good luck this week...

Did someone say Benadryl? haha

Kim said...

Oh, I hope you get some better rest tonight and that your little one feels better. All I can say is at least it's Saturday!

Christina Gleason @ WELL, in THIS House said...

Alone for a week with the kids? You deserve a medal!

Sheryl said...

I laugh at those commercials for sleep medication. They give all the symptoms of sleep disorders. I have them all. But my sleep disorder is called 4 very small children. I remember years ago sleeping all through the night and not even having the sense to appreciate it!

Hannah said...

Gosh, all I can say is I hope to GOD I never get insomnia, because I love my sleep!! I didn't cope well with the newborn-waking-several-times-at-night stage, and even now when one of the boys wakes up for some rare reason, I'm like DEAD the next day. Simply from being woken for a few minutes at 4am. I NEED sleep!

I reckon you need a few sleep-ins once hubby is back from his trip!!

Beck said...

And now he's off fishing? Ugh.
I know how you feel, although my oldest is a good, steady sleeper now - my younger two, however, roam around upstairs like free-range chickens at night. STAY IN YOUR BED, MONSTER CHILDREN!

Trooper Thorn said...

I never went off on a fishing trip and my wife still left me! What's up with that?

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