Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Fate is a sadistic bee-yatch..

Sometimes bragging about your child can really bite you in the ass. I couldn't help reflecting on the fact that my post about Justin's incredible changes and improvements was at the top of my blog while he was in the midst of a terrible tantrum.

Note to self: Justin still does not like showers, no matter how much he enjoys the water park. Do not try to force him to wash the sand out of his hair while camping. He will NOT calm down. It WILL sound like you are physically abusing your child (or worse) and you will feel like the worst mother in the world. Also, remember that a 9 year old's screams to "STOP!!! PLEASE STOPPPP!!!!!" within the campground's tiled shower will echo, echo, echo...

Moments before I assaulted him with shampoo and risked getting the police called for child abuse because, seriously? It sounded like I was beating that child instead of just rubbing soap on his head and rinsing with a shower nozzle that wasn't detachable like the one at home....

And then, just before we left Yellowstone Lake, as my sister and I were taking the little ones to the "real" bathroom, Justin and S were allowed to ride their scooters down the hill and back up to the bathrooms. Little bit of freedom, you know? We gave them the cautionary tales of how to be careful as they were wearing shorts and t-shirts, etc. and off they went, confident that they were going to be JUST FINE.

HA. Ha, I say. I came out of the bathroom with Corinne only to see my eldest boy walking up the hill with blood pouring off of each appendage! S calls out, "Justin got hurt!" which was funny in that it is SO OBVIOUS. Amazingly enough, Justin wasn't crying or anything! Just walking along as though he hadn't a care in the world, even though his shoe was filling with blood. I tried my best to clean the embedded dirt from the 3 inch abrasions with the icy faucet water from the drinking fountain. To which Justin, of course, screamed bloody murder! Yay... I couldn't wait to get him back to the campsite and really clean it. Knew that was gonna be fun...

This was the only picture I could take as he was literally screaming and thrashing about. My boy, he doesn't take to being taken care of well. Had I left his injuries alone, he wouldn't have cared. Alas, I care a bit too much to allow him to walk around with dirt, gravel and bits of God knows what else in his open wounds. At least this time, as he was screaming "You're hurting me! Stop touching me!" at the top of his lungs, people could walk up and SEE that we were trying to tend his scrapes. No CPS was called. Though, it might have been a welcome help as then THEY could have cleaned his injuries!!

Don't let that smile fool you. Moments later, I had to submerge him in luke warm water to really, truly clean the dirt out. If I thought he was pissed off at the campsite, I was mistaken. I will take a moment here and pat myself on the back for the extremely patient way I took care of him. Never once did I shriek back at him that I DID know the pain he was feeling (try birthing 3 kids) and only repeated, mantra-like, that I couldn't stand for his pain to become worse if they became infected. Over and over.

And over.


Gucci Mama said...

Phew! What an ordeal! I'm just glad he's OK...
And that you are too, even if you are the meanest mom alive for making him "take a shower" and "wash his wounds". Sheesh.

Tonya said...

Oh my. I don't even know what to say.
Glad he is ok.

Hannah said...

Isn't that always the way? You start celebrating some great behaviour, and they promptly go and turn everything upside down. Sigh.

I'm just glad he's okay! Looks like he got pretty banged up!

Well done mommy on not losing her cool. You did better than I would have!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Fate and Murphy's law... they go hand in hand. He's still a great kid, just one who doesn't like showers or first aid! Way to go mom for being so patient.

And most of all I am glad he's okay ;-)

painted maypole said...

wow. it's like the May Queen when I brush her hair.

Kristi said...

Ouch! I'm glad he was fine after all that trauma!

Michelle said...

ouch! Wow his knee looks bad; I can imagine how it felt being cleaned out! Sorry he's had a couple of recent meltdowns :(

Bryan said...

perhaps the firehose and lice powder treatment shown in movies like Rambo are in order

SydneyDawn said...

That story reminds me of one time when I had to remove a pesky splinter from my kid's hand. Way to go on being so patient.

Beck said...

Each of my kids has gone through a Please Do Not Wash My Hair phase. In fact, 2/3 of my kids are still going through it. Grand.

anymommy said...

Ugh. I'm glad he's okay and it's just a little mangled skin. I think he kind of deserved to get to throw a tantrum after that one - I would! The shower fit cracked me up (not funny at the time, I'm sure). My kids act like I'm pouring holy water over their heads and it's burning them when we wash hair.

Mimi's Toes said...

Thank you for the Birthday Wish. I really appreciated it.
Ouch...He looks proud of it...

OHmommy said...

I am glad he is okay.... it really does look like it hurt.

What a handsome boy nevertheless, LOL. ;)

Laski said...

I have a feeling that J will be Justin in just a matter of years.

Oh boy . . . .

Christina said...

Isn't that always the way it is. As soon as you exhale because they've been having a string of good days, they switch to a rough patch.

And ow - that knee looks pretty beaten up. Hope it's healing well!

Mum-me said...

What a story!

I'd find it hard to believe if my daughter didn't yell the house down every week when I wash her hair, or if my son didn't scream like someone was trying to rip his arms off and stuff them up his nose whenever I have to give him eye drops.

What a handsome boy!

Mojavi said...

yikes those look painful!

road warrior!

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Wow, you are a flippin' saint. Because me? I would have been yelling back I think.
I hope things have calmed down since!

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