Ever try to get a picture of 6 kids without anyone crying and everyone looking reasonably happy? Tricky. We've been trying to get all of the cousins together for months now. There are a few shots that "ok" but none that are GREAT!!
At Evan's birthday (I believe). Actually, this one's ok. Not too shabby.

Ahhh... a little bit silly....

Mary's first birthday... She's none too happy in either of these shots, and the kids are all helter skelter in their happiness meter.

I like these shots in the red: First, the babies are crying (there's my mom holding my niece)...

And then EVAN'S crying cuz he isn't holding Mary anymore...

4 happy kids! But, where's everyone else?

Sweet enough, but only half of the grandbabies...

And now BOTH of my boys are ticked and the babies are DONE.

So, any advice on how to get them to all look relatively content (notice, smiles are optional) and SITTING at the same time? Aside from duct tape. Not that I haven't considered it.
aw, those are cute! shows them how they really are. nice memories.
I'm convinced it's an impossible task, but I think silly, candid shots are the best ;-)
My advice... invest in Photoshop so you can cut this kid out of this picture and put him over here... then put a smile on that baby's cute little face... :D Okay, not really... all of our shots look like that. We can't get everyone looking at the camera and smiling at the same time. The best thing is to just take as many shots as you can. If you take 100 photos (which is do-able with a digital camera) then you're bound to get 1 or 2 shots that are good. Right? :)
The ones by the piano are cute!
I lov ephotography and have foiund that the best pictures of children are when they are in their element... not poised together and required to smile.
Been there done that with my 4! Great stuff, though. Nothing like the real thing with no cut and paste option!
They sure are cute! I can barely get 3 to cooperate I have no idea how you'd do it with 6!
I can't even get my three to look good in the same photo. Son #1 cannot fake smile. Seriously. Every photo where he's asked to smile without a good reason ends up looking like he's grimacing, or frightened that the camera is going to steal his soul. Son #2 is very photogenic. No problem there. Son #3: uncooperative. 'nuff said. (I like Melissa's photoshop idea.)
THat's funny! We tried just getting 4 cousins to sit nice and that was a major chore! I can't imagine 6! The last shot was the best! LOL
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