Party on.
I get the offspring alllll alone this weekend. A taste tester for the summer vacation.... WHY was I so excited about school being over? Ah yes. No more answering to the "man." We can do our own thing. Sleep in (sort of) and be dirty and lazy if we want.
Aside, of course, from the 2 vacations, 2 long camping weekends, day camp and other various outings already covering our summer calendar. Which is why I am SO glad we don't do summer sports. We can save the rigorous scheduling for the school year. Summer is about chillin around the house as much as possible.
Last night was Evan's preschool's "Going to Kindergarten" celebration. ADORable. Little kids shaking and dancing and singing. Very cute, and nobody cried onstage! Miraculous!
Even Justin got out of his verrrrry rude funk that he was in all afternoon. It stemmed from a small upset at school (very minor, I've talked to the teacher) and he just went with it. He ended up doing a 180 and being happy while watching the preschool program. THANK YOU GOD. I so didn't want it to be clouded by his antics.
Corinne danced and clapped and "YAYyyyed" through out the show, as well. And cried when the kids were done! But they had cookies, so all was well fairly quickly.
And that's that. Evan is sitting here, waiting to go onto Nick Jr. and I have more laundry to fold (joy) so I have to go.
But tell me again, how is it possible that he is starting kindergarten in the fall????

My baaaaabyyy......
Glad things went so well! Sounds like your summer is going to jam packed!
I'm glad to hear the graduation went so well!
Glad it went so well.
Have a great weekend!!!
My husband would be so jealous! He has cleared tomorrow's schedule just so he can watch it (gag!).
Yes, it's hard to believe those boys of ours are off to Kindergarten. My kids have yet another month of school, but the kids at Jacob's preschool were all having their pictures taken in white caps and gowns the other day. Whenever I think about him getting on the bus with Hannah, I just about cry. I'm certain I will cry when the day actually arrives :-)
As for including strawberries and bananas in a smoothie ~ I tried that already. That boy can detect even the slightest amount of fruit (arg!). I was lucky enough to get him to eat a bit of applesauce at dinner last night. I think his lack of appetite this past week has to do with his bronchial infection. Hopefully the medication will take care of all that and he will eat a few more things. The boy won't even touch PB&J anymore! Any other suggestions? I will GLADLY accept them!!
I CAN"T even imagine my babies going to kindergarten. I cried on the first day of school when I bumped into an acquaintance who was sending HER youngest to kindergarten
My baby is starting kindergarten in August. Won't you join me then for a Pity Party? I'm going to be so verklempt! LOL
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