Friday, December 01, 2006

Holy snowstorm!

Ok. We are officially housebound today. School's closed due to the ice storm that last from about 8 last night to 3 am and is being followed by the huge fluffy snowflakes in a blustery wind. So, I have thick ice covered by snow. Not a good combination. We are SO not going anywhere today! People in Illinois are crazy the first few snowfalls! Driving either ultra-slow or at a normal speed (i.e. FAST) and causing accidents left and right! It's good for the snowplow drivers, though. Yay for the state employees!! Overtime!! :)

I hope it stops blowing so hard so we can go out and enjoy it! I also wish that Wal-Mart had HAD that milk last night!! (I ran out at the last minute even though Patrick wanted me to stay in cuz we had NO food! I am soooo glad I did after all!).

Enough about the weather? I don't know. It sure was exciting to look outside and see our Christmas lights blinking through the white snow! No footprints, no exhaust marks on the roads yet. Just white and clean and beautiful! I have to climb back into bed. NO SCHOOL!!! 3 day weekend!!!


Michelle said...

Brrr! Stay warm and enjoy the 3 day weekend!

Type (little) a aka Michele said...

I guess this would be a BAD time time tell you that it was 78 degrees here in NJ. said...

Oh. What a sweet comment! Yes. It WOULD be a bad time.

Nah. Actually, we had so much fun in the snow! And a day off of school rocks.

Anonymous said...

We have NO SNOW! southern Illinois is like a different state! I still can't believe it, and we've been here about what 7 weeks?? not sure. It's really cold, but no snow. They say they don't ever get too much down here. I'll be home for Christmas, maybe we can get together...I don't know though since it's crazy around then...are you gonna be around, or do you travel then???

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