Friday, July 28, 2006


Ok. So apparently, all I needed to get out of my mini-funk was telling Evan the stories of the days that he and his brother and sister were born.

He thinks that it's hilarious (his word) that the first thing I said after having Justin was "He's nice. Can I have a sandwich?" And I'm talking rip-roaring funny, apparently.

After I finished tucking him in, Justin told me he finished reading his book and could I please put it away for him? (He's on the top bunk). Sure. What book, you ask, is my 7 year old finished reading??? MOBY DICK. Yes. The whale. The peg-leg. The whole saga. My husband's aunt had bought him a collection of classics for Christmas, and he'd just started them. He's onto Treasure Island next. I am just flabbergasted... I said,
"WOW! I am so impressed! Your second grade teacher will ask everyone if they read any books, and you can say Moby Dick. He/She'll think you're kidding!"
Then, I said to Evan,
"And when you start pre-school in the fall, what will you tell YOUR teacher you did over the summer?"

"Pick my boogers."

(much laughing followed me as I shook my head, walking out of their room)



Lara said...

Man! I'm going to have to go read that now. I can't be out done by a seven year old!

My 7 year old read Harry Potter. Cool? No? Ok, never mind. said...

Yes. Harry Potter. Might cool. I LOVE Harry Potter!

andria said...

I have never read Moby Dick or Harry Potter, I must be a lazy soul.

Every night I must tell Jacob about the night he was born...EVERY night. Sometimes I cringe, like AGAIN? But, it keeps it fresh in my mind and he loves every single detail, especially the part about how he peed on the nurse as the doctor handed him to her. It's his favorite part and he is so disappointed that Adam didn't do the same.

KB said...

LOL! I'm not sure what's funniest there, but you certainly gave me a much needed laugh (ok, ok, boogers won!)!!

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