Friday, May 12, 2006

A wolf in my house!?!

My son is a wolf. He has gone from being a Tiger scout to a Wolf scout tonight. (for all of you non-scouting families, he's simply going up a grade.) But it's yet another marker for the progression of time, the pulling away from little boyhood to big boyhood. Life is full of these little kicks-in-the-butt. Just when you get used to things being a certain way, it changes and you have to readjust. And just when I think I'm USED to the constant change, another change will just knock the wind out of me! Who would have thought that a simple ceremony (by candlelight, no less. And they had a drum beating and did face stripes for each stage. Very impressive... I guess) could make me all weepy?

Also (total aside) why is it that the adults at these things are so loud and noisy? The PA system sucks there, so you really have to strain to hear some of the speakers and the hum of the parents talking about baloney throughout the entire thing really peeves me! It's a constant battle to maintain the peace! WITH THE ADULTS! Not the 40 or so grade school boys! And WHY IS IT that a woman with a baby in a sling (ME), a few other parents, a couple of first graders (one of which was my son), my dh, and my 4 year old were the only ones carrying about a hundred and 50 chairs back to their spots?!? The lack of consideration of some people amazes me...

I've been doing some random blog hopping lately. I've found some really sweet, heartwrenching, interesting, funny blogs and I've read so many now, that I can't remember what all of their names were!! And I can't figure out how to make a list thingy to the side of my own blog to be able to reread them! Can anyone in cyberspace help me?!? I read the instructions that I could find on my own settings tab (or whatever) but I am, alas, technologically challenged at times. Any helpers?

I am eager to see my big ole van tomorrow night after my dh and boys clean it out. This is the ONLY thing I have asked for for Mother's Day. I want my van spotless. Pristine. I want to be able to lie my baby on the floor and not worry that some critter has evolved and is existing on the McD's nuggets, pistaschio nuts, squished Easter candy, and lord only knows what else that covers the floor of my embarrassment. (hey, are there 2 "r"'s in embarrass? Or 1? (embarass, embarrass... I guess I could spell check it, but that might be just a tad too much work...)

Today, I went to Justin's school for a Mother's Day party. It was sweet. They sang us a song, we planted a flower, and we all did a little activity sheet together. And then we got to leave a little early so that we missed the traffic which was hellatious because of the neverending RAIN!!!

Well, I am off to go snuggle in bed with Justin and Evan. They are sleeping in our bed tonight as a special treat. Remember when it was cool to do that? When is it no longer so cool? 8? 10? Sigh... I don't have much more time with my oldest, do I?

Strange but true: In mid-January, a 50 degree day warrants short sleeves, windows are rolled down in the car, and people are outside in droves. In mid-May, we turn the heaters back on, put on sweaters, and can't believe "how cold" it is. Gotta love the Midwest!


K said... youngest is a Wolf now. It kills me, seeing the baby grow up. I hope that your van glows!

Happy Mother's Day!

As for listing blogs, you have to go in and edit the html in settings. Email me and I'll send you the line of code...or get the dh (a professional nerd) to walk you through it!

badmomgoodmom said...

To edit your links on the right side of your blog "home" page, click on the "Template" tab (to the right of the "Posting" tab.

Scroll down the html code. About 3/4 of the way down, you will see:

Followd by class = Links

The default will say:
Google News, Edit Me, Edit Me

Just cut and paste the url addresses for the blogs you like to read in place of Edit Me.

Hope this helps. Email me if you have trouble.

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