Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Tuesday Treasure

Well, this is from an idea from Overwhelmed (how exactly do I link a name, now?). My Tuesday Treasure would have to be this man I married... He's my best friend, a wonderful father, a good husband and a pretty great human being. I love him completely (even when I want to strangle him) and am so thankful that he has touched my life. Plus, it's handy to be married to such a tall guy. You know, high shelves and such...

1 comment:

Overwhelmed! said...

What a sweet picture of the two of you. Tall husbands are the best, aren't they? My husband isn't necessarily tall (5'9 1/2") but since I'm only 5', he's tall to me! :)

Glad to see you've done a tuesday treasure!

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