Friday, January 09, 2015

The Privilege

Spent a bit more of my day in tears than I had planned on, but at least I was prepared for the tears in general. Today is the first day of the submission period for the Chicago Listen To Your Mother Show. Today was the day where we started to see the shape of the show as it slowly comes to life. It's so indistinct on day one; We still have 13 days left in which to fall in love with many more pieces, and knowing how beautiful these first submissions have been makes the tears flow a little faster.. I've been down this road before and it's AMAZING and FANTASTIC but it's also gut-wrenching and personal.

Melisa and I always use the metaphor of comparing the process of bringing our show to stage to giving birth to a child.

This first day is the initial ultrasound. We can see the shape of our baby! It is alive and moving and it's BEAUTIFUL and vibrant and we are in love with it already! Without any knowledge of our baby's personality, size, or even gender, we are still enamored of it, and in awe that we are responsible for bringing this baby, our show, to the stage in a few months.

The Privilege, it is REAL.

So, please pay no attention to the tears in my eyes. Pay no attention to my distracted state and inability to complete a conversation. I am simply an expectant producer, who has finally seen the heartbeat of her show-to-be.

And it is beautiful.

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