Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Tuesday Blurb

It's funny that I tend to STOP writing before and after a conference that is dedicated to, well, WRITING.

Maybe I need to stop thinking about it as a "writing conference" and start calling it a reason to connect with people I know and like and also a reason to dance like it's a college party without finals or underage drinking....

After the past 11 days, I am exhausted but unable to process 98% of what we've done, where we've gone, and the things that have happened (both good and not-so-good) while we've been gone. I can't stop to focus on my cat who looks like she's aged another year in the 10 days we were on vacation, or the bank issue we are having (LONG story, won't go into it, but will say it WILL be resolved, it's just a pain in the ass), because I have to finish packing Evan for a trip to his friends' house for 4 days and Corinne for a Girl Scout camping trip and myself for BlogHer in San Jose. I also have to find the time to fit in a trip to WalMart because I broke one of Corinne's back up swim suits in the dryer (STUPID). Also, her flashlight was suspiciously light when I went to put it in her suitcase. Yeah, being emptied of batteries will do that. Add it to the list!


I was so angry when I returned from vacation and checked out my garden and found, yet AGAIN, that the bunnies had demolished my carrots. Like, ANGRY-angry. Like, I want to smash a rabbit-head-with-my-hands-angry.*

No time to think about that, because I am trying to download or upload or WHATEVER it is when you put an app on your phone. Actually, in the time it took me to type that sentence, it finished up-down-loading and I now have the BlogHer app. And now what? I honestly don't think I've ever used an app. I know for a fact that I am printing off the agenda, because I don't trust technology, especially at a convention center. Knowing me, my phone won't connect, and I'll get lost, and miss something simple like lunch or, God forbid, a PARTY.

Oh, hellz no.

So, this will be the post that will on my front page if anyone meets me this week and says "I wonder if she is a good writer?" The answer will be: Sometimes. Maybe not right now, but occasionally, I am proud of words I put on this pseudo-paper. Stick around for about a month and I should have something interesting to read.

*Not really. That's pretty gruesome and kinda made me gag but I don't have time for a new analogy because BUSY.

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