Whoooo doggy. I'm beat. From what, I dunna no. I am positive it has nothing to do with Evan's nightly nightmares or Justin's reappearance with asthma at bedtime. And it surely couldn't be related to the letters written below...
(in green is Corinne's writing: "I will be nice." In the background is Evan's writing "I will not hurt my sister." I won't tell you which child screamed hysterically about having to do this punishment and which child happily took the writing utensil on their own to perfect her penmanship. Oops. I used a pronoun!)
It also has nothing to do with the birthday party on Saturday that I haven't planned a THING for (though Corinne wants chocolate cake with pink flowers pretty please. Can do. Can do...)
I'm sure it DEFINITELY has something to do with the fact that I am 100% out of coffee. I reheated day old stuff today and that? Is the end of my stash. There ain't no barrel to scrape and Thursday morning is looming awfully near for my taste...
Damn. Fine time to tell me you're out of coffee. Because I KNOW what that's like - being out of coffee. What a nightmare!!
You're out of coffee??? All the rest is manageable but that is an emergency!!
I don't envy you today without coffee. If I lived close enough I'd bring you a pound.
I don't know if it's a good thing or not, but the reaction to the writing would be the same at our house. : )
i think that is so awesome they had write that repeatedly...if my son could write, he'd be writing "Iwon't call mommy a baby or a poophead...."
Rumbling around at 9 am and still feeling foggy...
I'm out of coffee too, and James took the car with the car seats to his, gag, "temp job" this morning. I'm not sure why he would do such a thing. Probably to annoy me. ;)
I hear ya! - packing for Disney has me zonked....I couldn't get past your picture of Corinn's writing. - that is amazing for her age - smart cookie huh? - must take after her mommy
We have a party this Saturday, too, and as it gets closer and closer, feel more and more uncomfortable about how much I still have left to do. And yet, here I am blogging. Well done.
Out of coffee? Yes. That does it for me every time. :(
Never re-heat. Start fresh...you deserve it! Come on by for a visit. Holly at lifelaughlatte.blogspot.com
you quitting coffee or just out? email me your address and I'll send you some Starbucks VIA -- I have a ton of free samples! It's WONDERFUL!! :)
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