Well, we headed into Chicago to watch Aladdin at Navy Pier! Aladdin was 75 minutes long with no intermission (PERFECT for Corinne who was getting antsy towards the end).
One of my favorite parts of the play were the liberties they took with a few of the lines. The play is in the Chicago SHAKESPEARE theater, so there were several one-liners from various Shakespearean plays thrown in, but with a twist; "Aladdin, Aladdin. Wherefore art thou Aladdin?" I love Shakespeare (though I'm not an EXPERT, I just know several of his works) and took a class devoted to him in college (at a community college, so it was TOP NOTCH learning, folks). Those lines had me snorting on my $2 M&M's.
(I also know for a fact that I saw at least ONE other blogger there, and possibly another. I'll let you know once they confirm with me. It must be a sign of popularity when you are getting SPOTTED at places by people you don't "really" know, you know?)
Aladdin was definitely well done and we were thrilled to be able to attend for free. If not for free, then the price was a tad high, in my opinion. Then again, we're broke, suburban folks. For a city family or family who takes their kids to the full-price movies regularly? Then this was totally affordable. (And don't forget to get your parking ticket validated by the theater box office! You get 40% off of parking at Navy Pier if you are a theater attendee!) Plus, the draw to live entertainment is always more exciting.
We strolled Navy Pier for a bit, had a picnic lunch on a bench, watched the pirate ship (really! The Tall Ship Windy is a pirate ship with masts and pirates and EVERYthing! I think I was more excited than the kids!) and looked at the boats through the telescopes.
We also found a wedding ring that we forgot to turn into lost and found (I swear we were planning on turning it in, but the office we were directed to was at the front of the pier and we forgot about it after eating and walking and a few "chances to discipline"). So, if you lost a men's wedding ring at Navy Pier and can describe it, email me..
Great photos-and Corinne looks SO grown-up in the first photo. Wasn't she just 2 years old, like, last week?
Glad you had a good time. I can't wait to take Isabella to her first live production.
Oh how I love Chicago. I can't wait to take the kids when they are a bit older. :)
Oh, it sounds like you all had a wonderful time! And it sounds so fun-I wish I could go! Lol
I didn't realize you where IL people too :D :D :D
Another neighbor!
My daughter is all about the twirl factor when it comes to dresses!
Sounds like the show was great. I would love to see it.
oooh I'm jealous! Aladdin is one of my favorite Disney movies (second only to Beauty and the Beast). And yes the diameter of the twirl is key when getting new dresses! Glad you guys had fun!
It sounds like a good time was had by all. Corinne's dress is very cute. I SO remember twirling endlessly in my new dresses to see how well they twirled. It was THE best part of new dresses. Just like new tennies required much running and jumping to make sure they were ok!
That dress is awfully cute! I look forward to the day when my daughter will sit still for 75 minutes. Heck, I look forward to the day when my daughter will sit still for 15 minutes. A girl can dream.
Yay.... isn't downtown so much fun. I have the most perfect FREE parking space for the pier. Have to walk 1/2 mile but it's free.
Oh. And the dress is way cute.
Great pictures of what looks like a wonderful weekend!
I want to see the pirate ship. [pout]
I can't wait to go to the show. And Free is my favorite price too :)
Beautiful kid pics! And your line about giving a pre-menstrual woman a pair of branch cutters? OMG LOFLMAO! :)
I just discussed taking Miss Peach to see Aladdin today. Saw it in the paper. Sounds like we should:)
Just browsing through your blog and the Shakespeare Theater caught my attention. Love all things Shakespeare. I've heard great things about the Navy Pier and can't wait to go for ourselves. I'm sure Aladdin is no longer showing, but catching a show would be awesome. Looks like you had a lot of fun.:)
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