Friday, February 27, 2009

In the blink of an eye

Just like that, your priorities change and your life takes on a new direction...

I didn't need to learn empathy this way. I already cut every corner I possibly can. So when Patrick called to tell me the news that his position was eliminated, I lost it.

Just moments ago, my family fell victim to the shithole that is the recession. Instantly, my priorities shifted and I began to wonder how I could begin to pull together a few bucks to carry us forward instead of falling behind...

We have very little savings.

We have average debts.

And we have 3 kids that need to be fed every once in a while...

Please don't let anyone get sick.

Please let Patrick find a new job... Can he start right in on the real estate, full-time?

Can I find someone to babysit? A playmate might be good for Corinne, anyway...

As a person who really, REALLY needs security in her life, I was already a nervous wreck as we lived from paycheck to paycheck. I honestly don't know how I'm going to stay strong for my family...

But the one thing I CAN do to make my family ease into this new situation is to provide a clean space to relax in. I am off to put all the laundry away and cook something moderately healthy for dinner. I know my husband and his ability to impress people. He is the best worker and most personable man I have ever met. He WILL find a job. I just hope it's before I have a nervous breakdown...


Tonya said...

Oh man. That totally stinks. I hope he finds a job quick. Will be praying for you.

Jane of Seagull Fountain said...

Oh Tracey, I'm sorry!! (And glad your husband is one you have such faith in! Just remember that.)

That nesting instinct we have -- to do whatever we can to ease the strain by making surroundings and physical necessities (like eating) as pleasant as possible -- it's incredible how it kicks in.

Am praying, too.

Type (little) a aka Michele said...

I feel for you. We are all just one phone call away from being in your shoes. I remember too, how acutely I feared a layoff when we were living on one income. It's only slightly less worrysome on two.

I know that things will work out just fine.

But it still sucks, and I'm sorry hon. And I'm sorry for Patrick too. This must be a blow to him, too.

Allison said...

OMG - I am so sorry! Stay strong, I will pray that things turn back around as quickly as possible for you! Who knows - this may mean something great is right around the corner....some things happen for a reason.

Kat said...

Oh man. I am so sorry. I'm praying for your peace and for hubby to find a job ASAP.

meandering mama said...

I'm thinking of you and your family, Tracey. I'm so sorry you have to go through this.

Terrence/Megan/James said...

That is horrible, I am so sorry.

justme said...

i do hope thinks work out. i would feel the same way...

Gettysburg Mom said...

I'm sorry. Does your state offer health insurance for the kids? I'll be thinking of you and your family.

anymommy said...

Tracey, that is so frightening and I am so sorry. I don't know your husband, but I think you are incredible, so I'm sure that you're confidence is 100% correct. In the meantime though, I know the stress is crushing. I'll be thinking of you.

Leah said...

Big Hugs!
Saying a prayer that your DH finds a job quickly.
I am so afraid of this happening to us that I am considering taking in more daycare children.

andria said...

Oh, man.

I don't know what to say.

I wish there were something I could do.

I live with the fear that this will also happen to us. My husband's co. announces there layoffs mid-march. I'm just praying he's not one of them.

I'll pray for your family and hope a job comes quickly.

Mom24 said...

You're living my nightmare. I hope no words that would really help, except know that you're not alone. We live paycheck to paycheck as well. We would be devastated if my hubby lost his job also. We'd be living on credit cards until those ran out. I just want you to know that plenty of other people live like you do, doing the best they can, and it's just luck or chance, or whatever that determines whether we find ourselves in your shoes.

Good luck. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

Kristin said...

Oh man that stinks. Be strong and creative on ways to bring a little extra in until hubby gets back to work. Babysitting sounds like a good idea.

Karen said...

Oh man, I'm SO sorry! Something WILL come along, it takes faith and patience. You guys are definitely in my thoughts!

OHmommy said...

Im so sorry and I will pay for a job sent your way.


CaraBee said...

Major bummer. What's that saying, closing a door and opening a window? I'm sure Patrick will find something in no time.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry to hear this, Tracey. I will pray for you guys, especially that Patrick will find a new job really soon.

My Dad just got made redundant, too. At 54, he is not sure how he will find a new job, competing with 30-somethings who have "official" qualifications. It's certainly a hard time.

Kristi said...

Oh, Tracey. I am so, so sorry. This economy is just awful, and that it's affecting your family is heartbreaking. He WILL find another job. Until then, please stay strong and lean on us as much as you need to. ((HUGS))

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

Oh my goodness Tracey, I am so sorry! That is an unnecessary stress for sure. May he find another job ASAP so you can all feel a little more secure.

Okay, so the word for word verification is shall...and he shall find a new job!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry to hear this. Yesterday my husband informed me that he was heading to a group meeting at around 3:30. Somehow I came up with the idea that that meant they were all about to be fired just because I know a friday afternoon meeting is not a good thing. For about 15 minutes when I couldn't get a hold of him I was CERTAIN that that's what was happening. And I freaked. So for about 15 minutes I think I can imagine what you are feeling now and it's horrible. I'm so sorry. But it sounds like your husband is amazing and you will all pull through. Thinking of you...

Michelle said...

oh Tracey I can't even imagine being put in that situation :( I am so, so sorry this is happening to your family. Is this effective immediately or is it a "2-wk notice" kind of thing? Either way it does absolutely suck. Many many prayers coming your way.

Anonymous said...

Like I said before, I am so sorry.

I'm a firm believer that things always have a way of working out. I totally get the stress of living paycheck to paycheck, so it's not like I'm sitting here all cushy while telling you just to relax. We're always broke! I get that you're stressed out and in an incredibly difficult situation. But you all will pull through. You'll see.

Anonymous said...

Big big BIG hugs to you. That SO sucks. I know it's no consolation to say that sometimes when one door closes another opens. But maybe?

I can tell you this though, we really started feeling this around last summer and it's gotten worse. But we're doing okay now with some adjustments that we've made. For instance how we eat. No fast food, ever. Lots of spaghetti, ground meat dishes, soup/sandwiches. Well, duh, you know all that anyhow.

You'll get used to finding creative ways to eliminate stuff. Aw, I really do wish you well. From one sinking boat to another. lol

Melissa said...

Gosh... when it rains it pours!! It has to go up from here... right??

Zip n Tizzy said...

I'm SO sorry you have been caught in this terrible downsizing. I hope things turn around for you real soon.

For the time being, you are so wise to make the space you are in extra accomodating. I know when the house is clear, my mind is clear. Best wishes for you and your family.

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