I'm not sure if his adorable face and wise-cracking ways are a curse or a blessing. Those big brown eyes have saved his butt more than once when his story-telling and temper has gotten the best of him.
I can only imagine that he and I fight so loudly and with such passion because we are so very similar. His quick temper and stubborn nature surely don't come from his mellow daddy, that's for sure... And it's all I can do to keep myself from regressing into a foot-stomping first-grader alongside him as we butt heads and bark at each other!
Always, he needs a reason behind an action or chore.
Always, he must react with drama. Be it pain, exhaustion, joy, or love: it is to the extreme.
Always, he has a story to tell. Nothing is cut and dry. Nothing can be simple.
Always, he is independent. (Even when I don't want him to be.) He forgets that he is only 6, and will be So. Much. Fun. when he is 14....
Always, he surprises me. Be it by cleaning a room and closing my eyes to shock me (really), writing me a book, or making up a story for the little kids so that they go along with whatever activity we're trying to accomplish.
Always, he is ready to curl up in my lap.
Always, he is the most emotional of my 3, (now that Justin has matured past his executive functioning disorder). Evan is the first to cry, the first to laugh, the first to joke, the first to shout.
Always the loudest child in the bunch, he still manages to attract friends like honey for bees.
Always, I love and adore him. Even when he stomped his feet on the way out the door tonight. Even when he proclaimed that he hated Cub Scouts and I was MEAN for making him attend. Even though I have spent hours setting up meetings and activities. Even though he had a BLAST (as always) at tonight's meeting.
Lil' hard-headed stinker. Don't know where he gets it from.....
What is it about middle children? I was the same way with my middle child, Amy (Thoughts from the Mrs.) We lock horns acouple of times. She stomped many a floor and slammed many a door in her youth. I happy to say that those days are behind us. Yes, she was alot like me and I think that's what caused the arguments.
Any way, now we are close and spend many happy times together.
He is a cute one!
He is very cute. I think I have one just like him - except for the independant part (my boy is far from independant...uggh - only he is the first of my three.
Great post - I love all of the description. I feel like I have met him now - thanks!
Kathy, I am also the middle child. Many a foot was stomped by this blogger....
He is totally cute! You describe him so well, I feel like I know him personally.
I don't have a middle child, but Evan seems to fit what I have observed with my friends' middle children (in terms of personality traits). I can relate to being VERY similar to one of my boys, though. It's lovely in some ways, and we are very close because of it, but like you & Evan, it can lead to more battles because we are so similar!
My OLDEST one is like that, while my middle one is pretty much a dream. Your guy sure is good lookin' though!
I can totally relate! I thought for a moment you were describing one of my kiddos! We too "butt heads", though I still adore him...I "chalk it" up to we have very similar personalities!!! Tastefully put post!!;)
I have one of those too! Loved the picture it really captured him :)
Jack and I butt heads the same way, I can totally relate.
What a beautiful post to document your son at age 6 :)
He just looks like he has a quality that makes people want to be around him - I bet he's gonna be the life of the party one day...
He is gorgeous! And my middle child is exactly the same! I am so terrified to see what he is like as a teenager. ugh
Oh my... I totally would give over to those big ol' brown eyes ANY day. So stay strong sister!
Simply wonderful post, honey.
He's too stinkin cute! I can not believe how big our kids have gotten since we've seen each other last!! I butt heads with SlowMo and I often wonder if it's because we have the same personality.
Cutie. Posts about little boys growing up leave me a blubbering mess. Just so ya know.
It must be the "middle child syndrome" cuz you just described my 2nd of 3 to a T!
My oldest son's name is Justin too.
He's so cute! Someone I know would say he "lives life big." Good for him. :)
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Great tribute. Even at 2, I can see Isabella and I are a lot alike as well. She has much more in common with me than she does her mellow dad. I envision a lot of battles in our future, but also a lot of fun too.
PS: Justin is going to woo a lot of girls with those gorgeous eyes.
Enough foot stomping and I gave up on Cub Scouts. Yeah, I'm weak like that.
Nice post.
I feel your pain! lol Oh, the drama! the DRAMMMMMMA!
Seems like a lot of the comments are people saying, "I have a child like that too." What's the deal with that? Can none of us be free of the strong-willed dramatic child? I would have a house full if they were all like my first--serene and content. But I totally get what you're saying...my dramatic boy is only one and I'm sure this will get harder, but I love him for his intense personality. Now if I could just be sure to use his powers for good...
Yes, those eyes...they would work on me too! Cute guy.
I can see myself in my youngest and my Hubby in my oldest... too bad they both couldn't have been like him. Sigh :)
Love this post!
hmmm, maybe it was the year they were born...my 6 year old sounds very similar!
and he is pretty cute, my 6 year old has those melt your heart brown eyes too
He is so cute! My oldest is hard headed and we are only one year away from teenagehood. Shoot me now.
That sounds like my 5 year old and me, I know I HATED cub scouts, oh wait, I'm a girl, that's not possible, okay, I hated..whatever but I was very dramatic in the way I expressed my deep dislike and now my daughter does it.
Overall, he sounds like a fantastic kid.
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