Congratulations to Lynsey and Gettysburg Mom! You guys win the cases of free steak sauce from Country Bob's! Please email me your addresses so we can send it your way!
To answer the concerned questions regarding my hand, Thank you! It has, miraculously, healed! I guess it WAS a pinched nerve (to a serious degree) and it just needed time to mend!! It really gave me an appreciation for every part of my body, even down to the littlest pinky finger. You don't realize how much you depend upon the small things in life until they are no longer available. I am back to typing like a demon. I have several posts in my head that need a little nurturing without the background noise that is my household, so bear with me, ok?
So, thanks to everyone who entered and I hope to be able to host another contest soon! It was so fun for ME!!
Congrats to the winners!
Ooh, I am so glad your hand is OK!
I'm glad your hand is okay!! And congrats to the winners... I guess... ;)
glad your hand is back to normal and I love the plug for your husband on the side! Can't wait to see what other contest you will have :)
So glad your hand is better! I'm sure you are too. :)
Glad to hear your hand is better! Congrats to Lynsey and Gettysburg Mom!
So glad your hand is feeling better!
Wow does your son look like you in that bottom picture!
congrats to the winners!
Glad to hear that your hand is feeling better!
Woo-hoo! Maybe I should check that lottery ticket from last night!
Good news about your hand- I was getting a little concerned for you- way the hell over here...
I feel like a celebrity! The sauce will go to VERY good use around here.
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