Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Do you ever have moments where you are hit with how blessed you are? 

I am humbled by the many gifts that I have. I do not take them for granted, and I realize that this life I live, though quite "ordinary" in its outward appearance, is one that many would give anything to have. 

I cannot believe that I am mother to these three awesome kids, and wife to such a good person, who loves me as much as I love him. 

There are so many friends who care and take the time to help us when we are overwhelmed or unable to be in 12 spots at once. We have an amazing support network, and I know that this is not always the case.

All of our immediate family is within driving distance, and they love us and enjoy our presence. Family that is healthy and thriving, both physically and emotionally; this is something to treasure for fleeting health is a guarantee for us all.

We are equipped with enough resources to not only adequately food, clothe, and shelter our children, but to provide them with opportunities and experiences that are completely out of the realm of possibility for so many in this world.

I am personally gifted with the honor of continuing to be a part of the Listen To Your Mother Show. Being involved in the legacy of bringing these stories to stage takes my breath away. 

I live in this country, in this decade, with these advantages and I am able to make small differences in the happiness of others. Sitting at my kitchen table, unshowered, with dirty dishes in the sink, and piles of work to accomplish and I am overcome with emotion at how insanely lucky I am...

I don't take any of these blessings, or the multitude of others I also receive, for granted. 

This Life is pretty damn cool.

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