Saturday, January 14, 2012

Evanisms, 2011 edition

"Evanisms" are the stuff that comes out of Evan's mouth that just makes us laugh and laugh (which is good because oftentimes, we were pretty close to throttling him!)


"Do you mind if I swear when we go down the first drop of the Millennium Force? It might slip out, and I don't want to get in trouble."


"Daddy, Justin had 2 girls over after homeschool club. But don't worry; it wasn't romantic. I mean, look at this, Daddy," (lifts the Dungeons and Dragons books over his head) "...does THIS look romantic to YOU?"


"You're not old, Daddy. They say that 40 is the new 20."


Moments after an incident in which his younger cousin collided with a bookshelf, resulting in lots of crying, finger pointing, and confusion. Patrick pulled a crying Evan upstairs to get his side of the story:

"Ok, Evan. Tell me everything that happened."

Evan's face scrunches up, "You mean from the minute they got here?"


Unknown said...

Any kid that wants to name the family puppy after me can't be all bad.

kailani said...

I love that he warned that he was going to swear ahead of time! ROFL!

anymommy said...

I liked the pre-swearing warning too. Smart, smart kid.

Anonymous said...

40 is the new 20 is similar to what our girls keep saying. They say, "You're not old Mom" whenever they think we're upset that all their friends parents are about 30. I always say this is a geographic issue. If we had stayed in Oak Park, we'd be parents of average age!

Expertmom on Gifts said...

That is hilarious and I also thought it was cute with a warning of swearing being on the way :-)

nmaha said...

Hahahhaa..........sounds like he has a promising future as a stand-up comedian :-)

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