Thursday, February 22, 2007

Bleecchggghheeehhhhdaaaaa!!!!! (with fingers in my ears...)

Ok. I just had a really uncomfortable conversation with Justin. But I (hope) think I did a decent job of not letting on how uncomfortable I really was.

He has a good friend who just happens to be a girl. She is a nice kid, and soooo not girly. This is not the point. The point is that the two of them want to have a sleepover. And the point is that Patrick and I had a discussion that this wasn't gonna happen. No boy-girl sleepovers for any of our kids. End of story. I don't want to assume that my 8 year old boy wouldn't get curious, at some point. Or that at 9 or 10 he would understand that he suddenly couldn't sleep over at his best friend's house. So. I got to explain to him (briefly) what sex really is and how little kids can sometimes be curious about each other's bodies and how that's not appropriate. (insert creepy shudder of all moms here) I also had a brief explanation of WHY it's not appropriate and WHAT can happen (pregnancy and deadly-diseases).

Seriously? I need a drink. And HOW did I get elected to talk to my SON about this?!?!?

Actually, I have always wanted to be the one to introduce them to the sex talks. And I'm glad I finally have. (I even said "vagina" without passing out). I'm sure this will be one of those posts that he would rather I remove from the internet, but it's MY blog and I MUST put on here that I am sooooo wishing this wasn't even an issue.

To soothe his hurt feelings, I am letting him play video games BEFORE homework and piano.

He then wanted to know if we could at least invite his guy buddy over soon. To which I had to grudgingly agree... So I now have to call his friend's dad and invite him over soon. Yay....

WHY do these things happen when Patrick is out of town?!?!


Anonymous said...

Haha! Oh, I really shouldn't laugh at your pain! lol. It's good that you used the real words! I've had talks with SlowMo about her body,and the "period" that is lurking in our hopefully far future. I haven't had the whole sex talk yet...oh, and don't really want to!! lol. I agree that no girl/boy sleep overs. Maybe she can come for a play date??

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOOOOOOOO dreading that conversation. LOL I hate any of the body part know...V...or P. hahaha They make me feel weird & I blush to this DAY. I am HOW old?? LOL Sounds like you handeled it well! =)

Jen said...

FUN!!! I've been in this for a while now, these talks.....the funniest one was when Charles (beginning of 6th grade) was talking to me about sex and said, in all seriousness, "well, you and dad have had sex 5 times, right?" (4 boys + 1 miscarriage) OMG, I almost had to pull the van over to compose myself. I did not laugh, but OH, was that hard!!!

Nicole said...

Yeah. I am SO not looking forward to all these conversations with the kids. I am just not ready and thankfully I don't think that my kids are either. Avery IS 10 though, so I know it is coming soon. I am shuddering with you!!

Ruby said...

Oh, the sex talks, fun huh. Payback comes when they are teenagers and young adults. Talk about it again then (just for old times sake) and THEY get that creepy shudder.

Mike said...

Hope you don't mind if I can't stop myself from smiling ... nay, giggling while reading your post.

Have a great weekend.


LaughterThoughts said...

oh boy... not looking forward to that-- they're so innocent right now that it's hard to think of bringing in the whole "talk"... but better I do it than their ideas be tainted by the kids at school or something. i have not had that talk, but i did have to have the what's-private-stays-private-no-show-&-tell talk.

kate said...

bravo! good for you!!! that's so not easy to do. my husband's going to all over that talk. you deserve that drink, my friend!

Michelle said...

Yikes! I'm sure that wasn't a conversation you were ready for yet! Sounds like you handled yourself well though :)

Elle*Bee said...

I had to chuckle when I read this post. The evening before Dear Hubby had major surgery (he went to bed early since he couldn't eat after 7pm), the subject came up with Son #1. I ended up calling our local library for age appropriate book recommendations. I raced to the library, checked it out, we read it together. I ended up buying it on "just in case" and sure enough, the subject came up with Son #2 when Dear Hubby was out of town on business. Yikes! I have it down pat now.... said...

And WHAT is the name of that book, Elle Bee?!?

Gina said...

You are a brave and good mom!

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