Thursday, September 10, 2009

My Door's Alway's Open

Originally posted at the former Chicago Moms Blog on September 10, 2009

My Door's Always Open

001 The conversation was going well. I was connecting with a woman I hadn't seen in months and remembering why I had liked her before.

"How are things?" she asks.

I hem and haw around the financial issues we're going through. It's not something everyone wants to hear about and it's not something I want to talk in great detail about. (Writing it for the world? That's ok. Talking with a real person in front of me? Too personal. We bloggers are a strange breed, aren't we?)

"But how are you and your husband holding up through it all? It's generally a tough time for couples..."

I reassure her that we are doing well. I know that things could be better, but one constant in my life is the love that we have for each other and our commitment to making it through anything. I return the question to her and am surprised by the answer...

"I'm thinking of leaving him. Things aren't good. Not good at all..."

The specifics aren't mine to spill. Her story is unique to her and yet similar to so many women's lives. Tied to a man that may not be good for her anymore; she has 2 children and their future to consider.

Tears in our eyes, I listen. I hold her hand, this woman I was hoping to befriend. Now I am hoping that she believes me when I said, as I passed her my phone number,

"Call me. Any time you need me. Any time you need somewhere to go. Call me."

I have no judgment. I'll offer no advice. All I can provide are open arms and a genuinely concerned ear to listen. I pray that all women with secrets they cannot tell have someone to call. Somewhere to go...


Gucci Mama said...

Would be nice to have someone to spill to. You're a good friend to be that person for her.

Joy said...

You are a good friend. And I hope that she's doing well, now.

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