Tuesday, April 01, 2008

No joke...

Holy Moly, I'm tired. Just a quick whine before I go on about how much I love my 6 year old!!!

So. Typical night for me, where I toss and turn, and stare at the ceiling for hours. Finally, I feel myself drifting a bit when the phone starts beeping. Beeping. Beeping. From somewhere downstairs, signalling that it's battery is nearly dead. Great. So, I traipse through the house, pausing every 4 seconds to hear where the phone was left, locate it, recharge it, and start to head upstairs. But, I am freaking out at that point because the backdoor wasn't locked and, you know, vampires might start rushing into our house and eating us, like in that movie that Patrick made me watch the other night! So, I jam the door block in place, while making that girly, high-pitched squeak of fear, and then race upstairs. I literally jumped into bed and got as close as physically possible to Patrick without violating him.

Again, the drifting only begins after I calm myself down after THAT mess, so figure it's about 1 am, m'kay? Around 1, I hear Corinne crying for me, which means she has to go to the bathroom. No big deal, just a bit of an annoyance cuz I was starting to fall asleep... EXCEPT, she has had an accident and is very upset that her sheets are wet (not that bad, actually. She still manages to stop the pee, and go in the bathroom. She's got a bladder like no other!) . So I get to totally change her and her bedding. Again, thankfully, she goes right back into bed and stays asleep, no soothing needed by Mommy. Thank God for pacifiers, eh?

Alrighty. No clue of the time now. Except that there is nothing on t.v., and I am wide awake. I watched a bit of Batman and Robin (man. That was the worst of the Batman movies...) and a recorded Oprah, but Suze Orman was on and, no personal offense to Suze as I'm sure she's nice enough in person, but she annoys the shit out of me, so I was left without entertainment. Hmph.

Staring at the wall...

Ah! Start drifting again.... peaceful....

THUD!! I was out of my bed and running before I even knew who had fallen. It was Evan and the floor upon which he'd rolled onto was not a safe one. He narrowly missed his head on the stool he uses to get into bed and landed on a big ole pile of Legos and Star Wars ships. I had him in my arms, and was checking him all over but he just cried for 30 seconds and then fell back asleep. Must be nice to be a kid, to sleep so soundly, eh?

Ok. Everyone else is asleep. I am now more awake than ever and still have visions of falling children, vampires and piles of laundry haunting my mind. Watched a bit of Red Dawn, but began to have visions of having to escape enemies on American soil and deem that an unwise decision and so, turn the tv off. I do manage to pass out sometime around 3 am, only to be awakened by Patrick's alarm around 5. He is making more noise than I deemed necessary, and I managed to grunt a few complaints about lack of shut-eye.

I stumbled downstairs around 6:30 to make bunches of tiny little pancakes for Evan's birthday breakfast. Managed to not burn them (amazing) and even get the kids up to eat. Of course, since it's his birthday morning, he's allowed to play a little Xbox in the morning, so I'm struggling to get them to the actual table.

I am getting foggy-minded right now. I have a whole bunch of sweet and mushy crap that I want to write but that'll have to wait. Must reheat and drink this coffee....

Back soon.


Not Your Regular Mini Van Mom said...

You need a LARGE coffee! I hate those kind of nights, they seem to go on FOREVER. Hope you get a nap in today (wishful thinking huh?) and get a decent night's sleep tonight :)

Lizzy in the Burbs said...

I'm very impressed that even with complete sleep deprevation you managed to make homemade pancakes! Yay for Tracy! Happy Birthday to your Big Six Year Old!


Rebecca said...

OMG, can relate. Better sleep tonight for you!!

Happy Birthday BIG kid!!

Unknown said...


Everytime I see the previews for that movie, I get scaaarrreed!!! I would have nightmares for sure!

Honestly, I would rather have ONE night where every sort of annoyance and disturbance happens rather than space it out during the week. Just get it all over with in one fell swoop!

Beck said...

Nights like that SUCK.
My brother wanted me to watch that movie recently - um, no thanks!

Mom24 said...

I hate those nights. And why is it I have them and not DH? Humph. I hope you have a great day. Evan too, obviously. I too can't stand Suzie Orman--I know it's because there isn't a snowballs chance in hell we could do all the things (or even half) that she tells us WE. HAVE. TO. BE. DOING! I know it's all good, and we should, but there is reality, you know?

Family Adventure said...

Gah! Nights like that are the WORST. The only bonus is that you usually sleep REALLY WELL the next night (provided you make it through the day, of course...ack!). Hope you manage OK today. And happy birthday little boy!


Hannah said...

Oh man - no wonder you are tired!!
I hope you can catch up on sleep today ... or tonight.

Green-Eyed Momster said...

I hope that you were able to treat yourself to something special today. I always like to do something special for myself on the kids' birthdays. I'm not sure that I want to see that movie. I have nightmares about laundry even when I'm awake! Go take a nap! I wanted to stay in bed today. Try to sleep well tonight!

andria said...

Mcdonalds iced coffee and excedrin migraine! Aw, the nectar of the insomniac gods.

Seriously, I totally know the feeling. I haven't slept in over a year. Happy Birthday Evan!

Kamis Khlopchyk said...

YOU MADE PANCAKES after a night like that???

Your Mother of the year award is in the mail.

I wish you lots of coffee and a good night's sleep tonight:-)

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

Poor you! I had a night like that too, but no one else woke me, it was all me babe.
Hope you get some sleep tonight, take care.
Oh! Happy Birthday to your big kid. 6 wow!

Lei said...

and who was it that said motherhood is a thankless job? lol!

Laski said...

Holy tamale! How did you make it through a morning like that??? Here is to better/more/peaceful sleep . . .

Happy B-day EVAN!!!

Eagerly awaiting mushy post . . .

Kristi said...

I hope you funneled down the caffeine after a night like that. Happy birthday to Evan!

Michelle said...

happy belated birthday to Evan!

Sounds like you sleep like I do LOL Every little noise wakes me up and I have the hardest time getting back to sleep!

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