Friday, March 21, 2008

Spring Break

Dunh, dunh, DUNNNNNHHHH!!! (insert scary intro music there...)

The day has arrived. The last day of school before spring break! I am standing at the edge of the cliff (well, sitting at a computer drinking coffee, actually...) and feeling all of those emotions that one must feel if one were to actually jump off of a cliff. Which, you know, I never have. Don't intend to, either, but I HAVE done a bungee swing and flying catapult thing... but I digress...

I am thrilled that I have a week off from the homework, the early rising, the morning scramble to get out the door. The pick ups, drop offs, "do you have your homework?"'s... A week of chilling in our jammies, going on day trips, playing outside, a less rigid schedule... A break for them is a break for ME!

However. I am not a complete fool. I know the dark side that accompanies these privileges...

I know that this week will also hold more whining, fighting, and tears.

Someone will get physically injured. It's a given.

The house will be a wreck by day 2. (ok, ok. It's a wreck right now, so who am trying to kid?)

Somehow, each child will get bored 427 times. Though each child is surrounded by countless toys and 2 siblings. Not to mention a neighborhood full of friends...

The weather will not cooperate. Perhaps, if I just accept right now that our trip to Brookfield Zoo will be cancelled at the last minute, then I won't be disappointed when we're staring out the window with our lunches packed and the wind whipping the rain sideways...

And yet. And yet.... I am still giddy at the thought of a week of no school!!

Clearly, I am caffeine deprived.

Perhaps it's for the best, though. If I were sitting here, dreading the week ahead, surely it would be a self-fulfilling prophecy. Hopefully, sitting here all wistful and excited over a week with my babies, will keep the sun out, the whining to a minimum and food off of the floor.

One can always hope, right?


Kamis Khlopchyk said...

I feel the same way! Only we have an eye surgery thrown in for good measure.

Here's to whine free, bored free happy fun!

Ps clearly I need to set up an intravenous drip of coffee... off to do just that. said...

I'm either a genius or really stupid.

It's 10 am and Evan is in perpetual time-out over a freak-out over tinker toys.

I'm lovin it...

Mighty Morphin' Mama said...

I hope you have a wonderful week with them and even some sunshine.
Oh, I have a sure fire cure for boredom. Chores. If any of my children say they are bored they instantly have something semi-unpleasant to do. It works like a charm, I haven't heard those dreaded words in a couple of years.

Kristi said...

I wish you sunny weather and perpetually occupied and happy kids. Mama needs a break!

Tonya said...

Today was our first day off! We dyed Easter eggs :) I was hoping to take the kids to Brookfield too. I think we are going to the Children's Museum. Supposedly there is a 2ft picture of us there. We're going to check it out! Have a great break.

Mom24 said...

I am really excited about it too. I hope that by this time tomorrow I still am! Good luck to you.

I'm also really bummed that the weather is going to give us no break whatsoever. Snow possible tonight. Yuck!

Unknown said...

I love that picture! I *always* feel a little bit of dread when the kids are out of school. The only good thing about it, really, is not having to get up at 5:30. But the fighting. Oh, the fighting . . .

Beck said...

... and yet it's still fun. And gosh, I'm glad that their spring break is over.

Unknown said...

I hope that everything you just said doesn't happen, and that your children are model children. Also keeping my fingers crossed for the zoo.

painted maypole said...

hope it's a fun week for you! :)

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